Beliefs & Values
My Core Values and Beliefs
You cannot rely on wealth, achievement, or prestige to make you happy. Your greatest potential lies in living in alignment with who you are and what you truly want. Living in this kind of integrity offers you a deeper and more sustainable happiness and allows you to offer your unique gifts to the world.
I believe the world needs you to live in alignment with your values and unfold according to your own unique blueprint. Cultivating a healthy mind and a good relationship with yourself are essential to this process.
The choreographer, Martha Graham, says it best:
“There is a vitality, a life force, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and it will be lost. The world will not have it.”
-Martha Graham
My Experience and Training

My Experience and Training
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Free Consultation
Working with me starts with a free 20-minute phone consultation. We'll talk about what you're looking for and I'll tell you whether I think I'm a good fit for you. You can request a consultation online or call, text, or email me to schedule if none of the online options work for you. When new appointments are available, you can also request an appointment online.
Recent Reviews
Free Consultation
Working with me starts with a free 20-minute phone consultation. We'll talk about what you're looking for and I'll tell you whether I think I'm a good fit for you. You can request a consultation online or call, text, or email me to schedule if none of the online options work for you. When new appointments are available, you can also request an appointment online.